Created keeping in mind the animated character of Alfred F. Jones from the Japanese webcomic, Hetalia: Axis Powers, which has also been adapted as a manga and anime series, this rad leather bomber jacket is an ageless outfit that makes the world your runway.
One of the most famous anime characters, Alfred F. Jones aka America is the main character of Hetalia: Power Axis. Leading the Allied forces, America has been described as a hyper et conceited fellow, who can’t get enough of heroes and their struggle to achieve justice and freedom for everyone. Known for being nosy, according to the comics and web series, he struggles to make friends because of his annoying personality traits. Having a fixed appearance throughout the anime comics and series Alfred is seen in a tan uniform and a fashion forward bomber jacket. The Hetalia Americas jacket is created from both faux and high-quality genuine leather, however the price varies according to the quality of leather selected. Coming with an inner viscose lining, this Hetalia jacket has been manufactured with sheer dedication and precision, thus making sure that it is identical to the original jacket. Having a fur collar style, this bomber jacket comes with a front zipper fastening. This bomber jacked is adorned with badges on the front and sleeves along with the number 50 on the back. Coming only in brown, America’s leather bomber jacket is a must have for not just anime lovers but anyone who loves to look on point.
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Hetalia America Alfred FJones Brown Fur Collar Jacket - TheLeatherCity
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